Well this week, has been one of challenge and success. I'm still working on getting this month's rent paid and it should be of noted that the battle is halfway won, let's not even discuss August at this point. Anyways onto the good! First of all it looks like employment shall soon be mine and I could be once again amongst the work force (a paycheck?! It seems so long that I was starting to think it was an urban legend) BUT The best news of all is that I am going to be in a play!!!! I got the glad tidings today. It will be an all female cast of Shakespeare's Henry V. I have to say I'm giddy with excitement and for all those in the Los Angeles area, more info will be posted regarding performance dates and location. In the social realm of my life I have to say that once again life keeps showing me I am one lucky gal. In the midst of my trials and tribulations at every turn there has been a friend to catch me, support me and at times are knights in shining armor. It made me realize that I must be going down the right road to have people in my life who nourish my life mentally and spiritually. I hope that I return the favor because they are truly my silver lining. That's all for today and it's nice to say it has been a very, very good day here in L.A.
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Greentini on Ice so Nice!!!
Here it is the July cocktail of the month! This one comes from Don The Drink Mixer Maestro. As always measurements are left to your discretion.
A new spin on the traditional martini, you will need a martini shaker so...
Place a few ice cubes in the shaker
Pour some lemon vodka (I'm partial to Absolut, but hey that's just me.)into the shaker
Add Honey Iced Green Tea
Then shake, shake, shake and pour into your martini glass that has been rimmed with sugar and top of with a sprig of mint.
AAAAAH delicious!
*For us lucky Los Angelenos all drink supplies, minus shaker can be bought at your local Trader Joe's for a nice down to earth price.
As always drink responsibly
Cheers to You!
The Criogirl
A new spin on the traditional martini, you will need a martini shaker so...
Place a few ice cubes in the shaker
Pour some lemon vodka (I'm partial to Absolut, but hey that's just me.)into the shaker
Add Honey Iced Green Tea
Then shake, shake, shake and pour into your martini glass that has been rimmed with sugar and top of with a sprig of mint.
AAAAAH delicious!
*For us lucky Los Angelenos all drink supplies, minus shaker can be bought at your local Trader Joe's for a nice down to earth price.
As always drink responsibly
Cheers to You!
The Criogirl
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Much Thanks Here in LA!
I have to say it is good to be back in LA!! After the whole Washington D.C. debacle, I have returned with more determination and focus than ever before! I think I'm experiencing an emotional high when you take in the fact that July rent hasn't been paid (whoops!), got no dinero coming in at the moment (shocker!) but yet I know that everything is going to work out in my favor and I'm just going to keep chugging along (I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...) and I have my uncle to thank. Yes, yes that same sad sack of...ok I won't go there ANYWAYS I thank him because I came face to face with one of my greatest fears. Someone who I was seeking validation from looked me straight in the eye and told me I just don't cut it and my dream ain't gonna happen MOVE ON!!! And the beautiful thing is I looked him right back and stood my ground (didn't know I had it me!). And while I haven't achieved my ultimate goal of success my dream is coming true because each day I am living my dream with each monologue and scene I look for, class and audition I go to, project I work on and I get excited and happy. I'm blessed with the guts to go for what I want and when the panic attacks, doubts, fear, depression and self loathing arising I have a wonderful support system of dear friends who will have absolutely none of it. They pick me up and dust me off when I can't do it for myself. I also want to send a shout out to all the great comments left on Getting Real in Washington D.C. It warmed my heart and the encouragement it gives me to keep on keepin' on is priceless. Thank-you! So to everyone out there cross your fingers and wish the best for me and I'm doing the same exact thing for you!
Cheers to All of US!
The Criogirl
P.S. yes, yes, I know I'm late but I promise you the cocktail of the month and the AWM will be up soon!
Cheers to All of US!
The Criogirl
P.S. yes, yes, I know I'm late but I promise you the cocktail of the month and the AWM will be up soon!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Getting Real in Washington D.C.
I have taken a short quick vacation and I am in Washington D.C. I flew in on July 4th!!!! Fireworks wohoooo! Actually it has been a nice getaway. I find leaving Los Angeles is always a good thing it helps to recharge and focus because usually when I go out of town it usually means an encounter with the familia, this time being my uncle, a generous man who is a poster child for the American dream and living the good life. A sound, sensible business man and who has taken to being the mentor extrodanaire to my dear cousin (his nephew). The reason being is my cousin is male, going to law school and knows how to kiss ass very well (don't worry I love him to bits) so I am writing this as the two men are laughing, having a jolly old time. This is following a discussion where my uncle basically told me it's time to get real forget about this acting b*&>Sh@# (can't you just feel the love). So I've decided to honor the month of July and my independence I am going to get real!!!!!!! The reality is I am an actor period, if you can't deal with it that is your problem not mine. The reality is I'm not getting a desk job, applying for law school or any other graduate program, I'm going to be schlepping to auditions, going to acting classes, involving myself in every artsy, entertainment avenue and so no you won't get to brag to your friends or club buddies or I don't know who else about the fancy school I'm going to, the big raise, the wonderful corporate job I've got but hey that's his loss. He could be talking about how I'm going after my dream,come from another continent to a city I had never been in and even though most of the times it's tough, this is what I've chosen and you know what I'm happy with that. But If we want to GET REAL, BRUTALLY HONEST, THE HONEST GOD GIVEN TRUTH IS the only person that has bragging rights on MY LIFE is MOI!!!!! And that's getting real OK!!
The Criogirl
P.S. The AWM and drink of the month will be up soon, sorry for the delay
The Criogirl
P.S. The AWM and drink of the month will be up soon, sorry for the delay
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Distractions and Detours in L.A.
Los Angeles is a fascintating place. Some of us (me) arrive here fresh of the plane with big dreams, confidence and a big serving of cluelessness. Then L.A. starts to play and have fun with you. A few crazy roommates, bouncing from job to job, winding up at weird parties wondering how the hell you got there? Given a glimpse into the life of the obnoxiously wealthy only to return to your hand to mouth existance, offers of money to be made and great opportunites but once the job is done there is no paycheck to be found and all of a sudden the focus, determination and confidance is whoosh! Out the window and you're lucky if you can remember your own name let alone what you're doing with your life and keeping track of your goals. In the midst of my whirling waltz of confusion, feeling like the girl with the red shoes, the music was thankfully stopped by my power team of AWs (Awesome Women otherwise known as my friends) two of them to be exact. They tenderly and candidly told me, "girl you are all over the place doing this for that person, working here for free, there for free and not one of these places has anything to do with your dream of acting". My wonderful response, "yeah but, but, um, oh......you guys are right". So I may have wondered into this city with stars in my eyes clueless and confused and got way, WAY, WAY off track but hey I'm still here. I'm refocused, determined and ready to play! Hell, I'm an actor I know how to play.
The Criogirl
Check out my AWM Mia Wasilevich!
The Criogirl
Check out my AWM Mia Wasilevich!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sunshine & Shenanigans!!!
I'm a year older!!!!!!!!WOHOOOOOO!!!!!(this is where you hear the brass band playing and the city cheering). Yes today commemorates when I decided to venture forth and begin this journey of life. I must say after my past funk earlier this month, June is turning around and promising to be quite a fun month. I guess the sun is beginning to shine through. What happened? To be honest I'm not quite sure. Maybe it was the ridiculous birthday party on Saturday that went on until 7am (my neighbors were lovin' me) or on a more profound level perhaps it was admitting I was in a funk instead of trying to Pollyanna my way out of my emotions and once I said it aloud all of a sudden things weren't so bad. Now I went through my state of having no motivation whatsoever but I guess you need that sometimes to just ground yourself, reflect, take a break from life....hmmm what I did notice is that usually when a lot of things are going wrong right there is me tightly holding on to stuff that I'm just not quite ready to let go of. The funny thing with the whole letting go process is that once that particular attachment is gone, I whine, panic, get upset and inevitably something new fascinating and sometimes even life changing comes along that wouldn't have happened unless said attachment was not let go of. So to the funky, gloomy times while I may not enjoy them, I thank them because it seems like when all hell is breaking loose in life, in come charging the universal commando force of guardian angels whisking you to higher heights be it new opportunities, a new outlook on life or friends who will listen to your whiny ass every single day and with lots of love tell you to get over it. I made it to another year to keep on going and trusting that every minute is going to be an adventure even when I'm scared out of my wits. The sunshine is here and I'm ready for it!
Cheers and Love,
The Criogirl
Check out my AWM(Awesome Woman of the Month) Mia Wasilevich!
Cheers and Love,
The Criogirl
Check out my AWM(Awesome Woman of the Month) Mia Wasilevich!
Friday, June 8, 2007
June Gloom in Full Effect
June Gloom is a term that I've only heard here in Los Angeles. Basically the city is covered by one big, gray cloud that just lingers. For the past few weeks I've been walking with my head held high, positive outlook on life and then smack I entered my emotional June Gloom. Nothing new really the same old, same old naggings that pop up about the current status of my life, the constant struggle for money, career up in the air and it doesn't help when you have family members around you having babies, getting married and buying houses and you're still living in a studio apartment, single and the only significant male in your life has four legs and fur. And I chose this path because....I guess this gloom is also hieghtened by my upcoming birthday and the general feeling that I have no idea where my life is going. So I feel like retreating, entering hermit mode and just saying F@#% It All!!! But I know at the end of the day I will get out of my funk, come out with some new insights, realisations, hopefully a whole new lease on life and answers to some of the questions swirling around my head because I always have a choice. So I'll accept and welcome the funk because just like the cloud during June Gloom, just as suddenly as it appaears and lingers it vanishes and the sun comes blazing through. I'm ready for the blaze.
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Check out My AWM(Awesmome Woman of the Month)Mia Wasilevich!
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Check out My AWM(Awesmome Woman of the Month)Mia Wasilevich!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Awesome Woman of the Month: Mia Wasilevich

Dedicated, selfless and with a wicked sense of humor are just some of the words to describe my June AWM Mia Wasilevich. Mia is a publicist extrodenaire, woman of 1001 great ideas and an active contributor to improving our world as the co-creator of the fun, informative and environmentally conscious online magazine Green Girl Guide"If green is the new black, shouldn't you know what you're wearing?". Aside from her fantastic achievements, Mia is awesome because of her huge generous heart. No matter how hectic her schedule is she will always find the time to help a friend in need whether it's rewriting their resume (so they have a fighting chance at getting a job interview), pointing out all the great things about yourself after hearing you rant about how you feel like the biggest loser in the world, or going on a food adventure trying out something new and exotic(my fancy way of saying we'll eat anything). Inform yourself by checking out the Green Girl Guide (On my link list). Mia I'm thankful to have you as a friend and thank-you for being an AWESOME WOMAN!
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Cool As Ice Fruity Vodka Cocktail!
Just in time as the temperature starts to rise, try this cocktail direct from Jenn The Cocktail Alchemist to cool you down.
Dump some frozen strawberries or any other fruit in
the blender (Trader Joe's has a great selection).
Cover the fruit with vodka and blend.
Put some sorbet or sherbet (pineapple, raspberry, mango
etc)in desired glass or bowl.
Top sorbet with vodka fruit mixture
add sparkling water
No measurements are really needed for this one just wing it and do what looks right. A word of caution this drink goes down very easy and you can forget that there is any alcohol so as always please drink responsibly.
Cheers to You!
The Criogirl
Check out my AWM (Awesome Woman of the Month)Colette Sand!
Dump some frozen strawberries or any other fruit in
the blender (Trader Joe's has a great selection).
Cover the fruit with vodka and blend.
Put some sorbet or sherbet (pineapple, raspberry, mango
etc)in desired glass or bowl.
Top sorbet with vodka fruit mixture
add sparkling water
No measurements are really needed for this one just wing it and do what looks right. A word of caution this drink goes down very easy and you can forget that there is any alcohol so as always please drink responsibly.
Cheers to You!
The Criogirl
Check out my AWM (Awesome Woman of the Month)Colette Sand!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Thoughts Become Things
Living in the City of Angels while interesting can be trying at times, especially when you've chosen to be amongst the millions trying to make their dreams come true in the entertainment industry. The great thing about this city is that you have the chance to create your own reality and live your life on your terms as long as you stay focused on that and that sometimes can be challenging. With all the distractions around, the payments to be made and the family members who don't get what you're doing and just want you to live a "normal" life. While I don't have a solution for all those things I do have one more weapon in your believe in yourself and walk the walk arsenal. There is a website called TUT: The Adventurers Universe Club. Their mantra is simple: Thoughts Become Things. Basically you place down two goals, give your Email and each day you get a short, uplifting message tailored for you. It doesn't sound like much but I have to tell you, each morning to read that Email is like a shot of pure happy, strength and motivation. It gives me that oomph and yahoo to start my day, especially those days when I wake up and there is no silver lining or oomph to be found. We're surrounded by so much negative B.S. and it's easy to to start believing oh well, that's how life is. IT'S NOT. Check out TUT to help those big, wonderful thoughts become great things.
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Check out my AWM (Awesome Woman of the Month) Colette Sand!
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Check out my AWM (Awesome Woman of the Month) Colette Sand!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Shula & Esther Restaurant, Best Baba Ganoush Ever!!!
This will be short, sweet and to the point. If you love Middle Eastern food, you must run to Shula & Esther Restaurant on Fairfax Ave. I started of by trying their Baba Ganoush and OH MY GOD! I have since tried their lentil rice topped with fried onions (YUM!!), their divine lentil soup and I experienced a culinary miracle. I HATE, HATE, HATE split pea soup. No matter how good the cook is split pea soup disgusts me, correction disgusted the split pea soup at Shula & Esther's is so good I licked the bowl clean and I'm not exaggerating. So here are the details:
Shula & Esther Restaurant
Israeli & Yemenite Foods
519 N. Fairfax Avenue
Los Angeles,CA 90036
Tel. 323 653 9024
Mon. - Fri. 11am to 10pm
Sunday 10am to 10pm
Good Eating!
The Criogirl
Check out my AWM (Awesome Woman of The Month)Colette Sand!
Shula & Esther Restaurant
Israeli & Yemenite Foods
519 N. Fairfax Avenue
Los Angeles,CA 90036
Tel. 323 653 9024
Mon. - Fri. 11am to 10pm
Sunday 10am to 10pm
Good Eating!
The Criogirl
Check out my AWM (Awesome Woman of The Month)Colette Sand!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Do You Always Have To Be The Bigger Person?
Being the bigger person has been my mantra to friends when they find themselves wanting to serve an ice cold dish of revenge. How ironic that I now find myself struggling with handing out a good dose of revenge and spite for a wrong done to me. I would like to say I sucked it up, turned the other cheek and let it go....wishful thinking. The truth is I have been letting the anger and hurt I feel fester into a huge emotional boil and I acted on it and hurt my intended target. I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good, boy did it feel good! But (and you knew it was coming)I haven't solved a damn thing. I'm still hurt and angry from the past wrong and even worse it's fueling me into wanting to continue hurting the other person but now that would involve hurting innocents, people who have done nothing to me but who just happen to be close to the wrongdoer. I don't want to go there just for a momentary high of oooh I got you back good. So tomorrow I will make the call and inform the person that what they did in the past was uncool and it hurt. And while it's too late for apologies(hell! the person might not even apologize), it allows me to handle the situation as an adult and at least leave the road open for a healthy future relationship. For your health Be the bigger person, while it's not immediatly satisfying or easy, it does lead you on the road to a lighter future. Look at it this way, it's one less piece of emotional baggage you won't be carrying.
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Los Angeles Fire Department to the Rescue
Yesterday I was up on my roof with my neighbors watching Griffith Park, go up in flames. Phones were ringing as friends and family checked in to make sure I was ok and if I needed to evacuate. Luckily for me, while I had a front row seat to Mother Nature's wrath, I was fine. In fact we were sitting on the rooftop, drinking wine, eating ceviche and running commentry. We have the Los Angeles Fire Department to thank. Thanks to their dedication, long hours and courage we not only had the peace of mind to sit and watch; the zoo, the observatory and carousel were left unharmed and not one home in the hills was destroyed. Thank-you LAFD! And if you want updates or send them a thank-you to their blog (on the Criogirl's link list)
P.S. For those in the Hollywood and Los Feliz area please be patient with the wildlife, they've lost their homes. If you find any injured or burnt animals please call 888-452-7381
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Check out my AWM (Awesome Woman of the Month) Colette Sand!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Awesome Woman of the Month: Colette Sand

I'm one of the luckiest people in the world. I know a bunch of fantastic women, who are inspiring, supportive, intelligent and just all around awesome. So I've decided not to be stingy, it's time to share the wealth and let the world know about them. Each month The Criogirl will give a shout out to a woman that you should know. The first Awesome Woman of the Month is Colette Sand!!!!!!! Colette is a writer/producer/director livin' in Los Angeles and celebrating every minute of it. Colette is the kind of person you can talk to about the state of the world, what life is all about and switch to what's happening on Grey's Anatomy and cute boys. She can whip up a full course meal, drives a pick-up truck (stick shift thank-you very much) and without her The Criogirl would not have come into existence. Her encouragement and advice gave me the confidence to just let go and do it and thanks to her I'm having a fantastic time. check out Ms. Sand's blog http://thedirtalert.blogspot.com/where you can find out how to live fabulously in L.A. fo' cheap!! CHEERS TO YOU COLETTE! THANKS FOR BEING SO AWESOME!!!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Habit vs. Los Angeles
habit n. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.
During my whole re-evaluation process in regards to my stay in Los Angeles, a friend asked me a question. It was a simple question to which I am very grateful for. A quick history lesson is in order. Since the tender age of fifteen my time limit in a particular city or country has usually been around 4.5 years. As I got older when things in my life became unbearable my solution was to pack up, move to a new place and start afresh. I literally would just leave everything but what I could fit in one suitcase and go on to the next adventure! A funny thing kept happening. After the excitement of the new place wore off and I was settled in a conflict would occur in my life (usually What am I doing!?! Where am I going with my life!?! type conflict). Solution! .... Drop everything and blame the place I was living in. It's one thing if things hadn't worked out once, twice, hey even three times! But when you're on your 6th country, 3rd continent and countless cities you gotta wonder if the problem is you. So I'm thinking that maybe for a change I'll have faith and trust myself, give myself the chance to see things through. Habits are hard to break but it would be nice to enjoy travelling again just for the sake of travelling and yes I know, I owe it to myself. And the question my friend asked me, after I had vented my frustrations and how it was time to move on? " How long have you lived in L.A.?" Three guesses what the answer was.
During my whole re-evaluation process in regards to my stay in Los Angeles, a friend asked me a question. It was a simple question to which I am very grateful for. A quick history lesson is in order. Since the tender age of fifteen my time limit in a particular city or country has usually been around 4.5 years. As I got older when things in my life became unbearable my solution was to pack up, move to a new place and start afresh. I literally would just leave everything but what I could fit in one suitcase and go on to the next adventure! A funny thing kept happening. After the excitement of the new place wore off and I was settled in a conflict would occur in my life (usually What am I doing!?! Where am I going with my life!?! type conflict). Solution! .... Drop everything and blame the place I was living in. It's one thing if things hadn't worked out once, twice, hey even three times! But when you're on your 6th country, 3rd continent and countless cities you gotta wonder if the problem is you. So I'm thinking that maybe for a change I'll have faith and trust myself, give myself the chance to see things through. Habits are hard to break but it would be nice to enjoy travelling again just for the sake of travelling and yes I know, I owe it to myself. And the question my friend asked me, after I had vented my frustrations and how it was time to move on? " How long have you lived in L.A.?" Three guesses what the answer was.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Jenn's Sinful Sangria
As promised here is the recipe for Jenn, The Cocktail Alchemist's, Sangria recipe. This is a great one for an afternoon bbq that carries on into the night.
2 bottles of shiraz or merlot ( port can be substituted
instead of wine if you want it to be sweeter and have a
higher alcohol content)
Juice a couple of Lemons, limes and oranges
and slice up some. Apples, peaches and plums
can also be used.
Jenn then throws in whatever juice is within reach (which she gets from Trader Joe's).
This particular past batch had orange juice, lemonade and mango nectar.
Add cinnamon sticks, whole cloves and a pinch of
chili powder. If it isn't sweet enough, add some
For a kick add vodka and amaretto.
Tequila and triple sec is another alternative.
Dump all the ingredients together at least overnight,
but Jenn likes it to sit for a day or two.
When serving, add sparkling water. If it still needs to be
sweeter use 7up instead of water.
Add more wine and juice to the mix as needed.
As you can see there is room to play, so have fun and use your imagination. Now as with all alcohol beverages, drink responsibly.
Cheers to You!
The Criogirl
2 bottles of shiraz or merlot ( port can be substituted
instead of wine if you want it to be sweeter and have a
higher alcohol content)
Juice a couple of Lemons, limes and oranges
and slice up some. Apples, peaches and plums
can also be used.
Jenn then throws in whatever juice is within reach (which she gets from Trader Joe's).
This particular past batch had orange juice, lemonade and mango nectar.
Add cinnamon sticks, whole cloves and a pinch of
chili powder. If it isn't sweet enough, add some
For a kick add vodka and amaretto.
Tequila and triple sec is another alternative.
Dump all the ingredients together at least overnight,
but Jenn likes it to sit for a day or two.
When serving, add sparkling water. If it still needs to be
sweeter use 7up instead of water.
Add more wine and juice to the mix as needed.
As you can see there is room to play, so have fun and use your imagination. Now as with all alcohol beverages, drink responsibly.
Cheers to You!
The Criogirl
The Silver Lining
I tell you, life is interesting. Yesterday the day ended on a note of questions and uncertainty, my euphemism for saying I was tired and frustrated. I guess that voice that keeps telling me to hang in there swung into overdrive and gave me a gift of quality. The day began with the exciting task of cleaning my apartment. I was interrupterd by a phone call from my glazy friend and no that is not a typo. A glazy is a gay lazy, his term not mine. To get into the full meaning would require a whole new article and earning many politically incorrect violations. I digress, he called me to go shopping for an impromptu bbq to be held at my humble abode. The guest list consisted of three: myself, the glazy and Jenn the cocktail alchemist. Once the menu was decided on (grilled veggie burgers, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and brussel sprouts washed down with Jen's sinful sangria) and the provisions bought, I went on a hike up to Mt. Hollywood with Jen. After the hike, we all met at my place and the cooking began. What a joy! To be with friends, cooking, sharing stories, listening to music and lots of laughter. The evening was simple, small and beautiful! We were silly, relaxed, comfortable and honest. Over good home cooked food, we shared our life stories which connected us a little bit more. So while I have no answers tonight to some of the questions still swirling in my brain from last night, that's ok because tonight I was given a day of camraderie and lightness that my soul needed in order to keep on. And whatever tomorrow may bring, I can go to sleep with a smile in my heart. As for that voice... well it's a little bit louder tonight and yes I'm hanging in there.
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Sunday, April 29, 2007
L.A. Confusion
Convictions, quality and confusion. Speaking with a friend recently these words came up and it's interesting because it seems they've been the theme for this passing week. Truth be told I've been wrestling with this theme since I moved here. Los Angeles is a city that can only be experienced and lately I've been wondering if I want the experience to continue. Arriving here I would have described myself as well travelled, I've met some very interesting people (who I'm lucky enough to call friends) and with each country I've lived in they all hold a special place in my heart. But to be honest at this point in time living in Los Angeles has felt like going to war and I don't believe life should be lived as if preparing for battle. It's not that it's all bad, I've met some interesting characters that will make fantastic stories for my grandchildren and I would be lying if I said I haven't had some good moments. I think that is where I have a problem, there are only good moments in a deluge of struggles (and by good moments I'm not talking about hot parties and oooh I got to shake so and so's hand and be fabulous). I think the saddest statement I heard this week was " if something happened to me on the week-end, no one would notice until late at work on Monday when I still hadn't showed up" and I heard this from two different people! and then I sometimes wonder if I've become that bitter L.A. habitant I swore I'd never be? The one who always complains about the city, that people here are so fake, you can't trust anyone, etc., which leads me to the realization that if you're asking yourself these questions it's time for some re-evaluation of why I'm here. Bluntly put I'm close to the point of packing my bags and saying, "well I gave it a try" but at the same time I still have this voice telling me to just hang in there. So in the process of re-evaluation, I'll remember that I don't have to worry about only being thought of on Monday should tragedy befall me on Saturday or Sunday, I've still got my convictions, it's ok to be confused and trusting in myself is the only way to achieve a quality of life I will be content with and of course I get to go to hot parties, shake so and so's hand and be fabulous.
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Peace and Love,
The Criogirl
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Just Do It!
I took a bit of a hiatus and now I'm back and ready to share the criogirl's raves, thoughts and sometimes rants. It's taken me a while because I was scared. I know how silly that sounds, especially in this day and age with everyone and their mother opening blogs, myspace pages and you tube, but still the fact remains that I was scared to share. Lucky for me I have sensible friends who made it crystal clear how silly I was being and have repeatedly told me to just do it. So I invite you into the criogirl's world, where aside from pitching my two cents about what is going on around me, in this unique city of Los Angeles( which I must admit still boggles my mind many times, but in a good way...I think). There'll be some useful tidbits that will change your life! Not really but hopefully makes it a little brighter. Pictures will follow to visually stimulate, tantalize, tease and yes I'm getting a bit carried away. Simply put enjoy the page, feel free to leave comments, share if you like and thank-you for taking the time to check me out. My useful piece of information today? A classic that can never be overstated. Whatever your dreams, goals, objectives, desires (however you wish to phrase it) in life JUST DO IT! no excuses, like waiting for the right time, if only I had this, but what if it doesn't work, blah, blah, blah. The right time is now. You, your imagination and trusting yourself is all you need. If things don't pan out the way you wanted, so what! I bet you still will have learned something, a new door will have opened, just pick yourself up and try again.
Cheers to you,
The Criogrirl
Cheers to you,
The Criogrirl
Monday, February 5, 2007
Post Super Bowl
For the longest time I have never understood American football. A bunch of big men in unattractive uniforms rushing into each other. In my eyes the game lacked the style, finesse, drama and hotness of the beautiful game otherwise known as soccer. So when I got invited to a super bowl barbeque party, I was going only for the food and to chat with the the other ladies who weren't into football either. When halftime came around I went to watch because of Prince, who manages to be the only man who has insane sex appeal even though he is only 5"3, wears high heels and loves purple (go figure). After a magnificent performance by Prince, I stuck around. Lucky for me there was a gentleman who actually took the time and explained the game to me (had this been the final game of the World Cup and someone stopped to ask me questions I would've punched them.) Once I realised how the game worked, I saw how sophisticated football is. It's basically really rough chess but once I figured out who to watch and when I got into the game. I was also doubly glad to hear I was watching a historic game. Tony Dungy is the first black coach to win the Super Bowl!!!!! and to see Tony Dugny and his protege and friend Lovie Smith (also black) play a classy game well that just made this game that much more special for me. The fact that they are the first black coaches in the 41 yrs of the Super Bowl (America you have some serious issues 41 years?!?!!) well that's another story. Long story short, I look forward to when football season begins again later this year and I thank Mr. S for teaching me about the game. Congratualtions Mr. Dugny and Mr. Smith for a beautiful game.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Thanks South Park
I watched an old South Park episode, it was the christmas one with Charles Manson (gotta love South Park and their crass). At the message part of the show Manson's character points out that while there might be a lot of f@#% up , perverse, dangerous people in the world, they are the minority. The majority of people are decent who basically just want to be happy and have a nice life. Simple, true and easily forgotten. Because if we remembered that we are the majority then it means that when we let the manipulative, egomaniac, twisted people of the world rule our lives, it's because we let them and have given up our power. I repeat our power. Let's try not to forget that. Thanks for the reminder South Park.
Peace and love
Peace and love
Monday, January 29, 2007
Last King of Scotland
"Well-disposed to Britain: perhaps to an extent damaging to him in the African context." Concluding that Amin was in need of their help, the Foreign Office recommended the sale of arms to him. He was one of ours, not likely to kick up about Rhodesia or South Africa, and keen to stem the communist drift of neighbouring states.
I got that quote from Giles Foden's article in The Guardian. I made it to The Last King of Scotland and wow a lot is going on in my mind that I had to write about it. So I googled to find out more about the infamous Idi Amin. His madness and brutality I will never and hope to never understand. What is interesting is as he rose up in the ranks there were huge documented red flags about this man. And while he isn't credited with much intelligence he managed to charm and brutalise a country and live out the rest of his days in pretty much peaceful exile. The man killed almost half a million people. And that is why I lifted this particular quote about him. Amin was a conveniance, it was believed he could be controlled, eliminated easily enough when necessary (there were 7 assassination attempts), a good tool for the powers that be (same ones who pretty much turned a blind eye on apartheid and the other crap they were creating in Africa)...hmpfh I wonder who really was the tool. What makes me sick is here is a man who wiped out whole families and got to live out the rest of his days, still driving his fancy cars, getting massages on the condition that he please just lay low and keep his mouth shut. I have to say I really don't know what to make of this and it's stuff like this that makes me wonder about the world we live in. We've got people dying because of some rocks we decided are beautiful and valuable, black liquid that has us addicted harder than the worst crack addict. People I believe we are better than this we have to change or else, well I don't even want to go there.
Peace and Love
I got that quote from Giles Foden's article in The Guardian. I made it to The Last King of Scotland and wow a lot is going on in my mind that I had to write about it. So I googled to find out more about the infamous Idi Amin. His madness and brutality I will never and hope to never understand. What is interesting is as he rose up in the ranks there were huge documented red flags about this man. And while he isn't credited with much intelligence he managed to charm and brutalise a country and live out the rest of his days in pretty much peaceful exile. The man killed almost half a million people. And that is why I lifted this particular quote about him. Amin was a conveniance, it was believed he could be controlled, eliminated easily enough when necessary (there were 7 assassination attempts), a good tool for the powers that be (same ones who pretty much turned a blind eye on apartheid and the other crap they were creating in Africa)...hmpfh I wonder who really was the tool. What makes me sick is here is a man who wiped out whole families and got to live out the rest of his days, still driving his fancy cars, getting massages on the condition that he please just lay low and keep his mouth shut. I have to say I really don't know what to make of this and it's stuff like this that makes me wonder about the world we live in. We've got people dying because of some rocks we decided are beautiful and valuable, black liquid that has us addicted harder than the worst crack addict. People I believe we are better than this we have to change or else, well I don't even want to go there.
Peace and Love
Margaritas, friends and hair
I had a lovely night last night with my good friend C. at Malo's (on Sunset Blvd. past Vermont in the Silverlake area) we had some excellent Margaritas and some serious catching up to do (it's been two months) . While sipping margaritas and catching up, one of the big topics we discussed was respect. Most of us realize we deserve respect and know that you usually don't get it until you start giving it to yourself but it is always a unique situation when you realize that you're not getting it from a friend. When a friend disrepects you DON'T TAKE IT! As a woman I am prone to the we need to discuss things but I've decided....you don't always have to. Before engaging in a serious we have issues that need to be sorted out conversation, you first need to ask yourself do you care any longer? Is there anything worth fighting for in this relationship? And is the other person even willing to listen to you? If you said no to all of those questions why are you wasting your time? Out of some need to tell yourself well at least I tried, believe me you've probably tried everything before things got to this point. Or you might feel some weird sort of obligation or guilt and if that's the case then that is your issue that you need to work on. If there is some wrong doing on your part address it and move on. At the end of the day life is precious and we only have this one life right now that we know of. Yes there will/are people in your life who you spend a whole lifelong friendship with and there are some that your paths will go in different directions and when that point has arrived then let it happen. Why struggle for something when there is nothing to struggle for? Now I'm not talking about little arguements you have, becuase we're all human and those are bound to happen or even bumby schisms (they too will occur) I'm talking about when you've reached the point that you're looking at this other person and you're wondering why am I here, when you can no longer contribute anything to this relationship, when you don't feel good about yourself or the other person. That's life and it's ok, the key is not to stay there and grow to resent that person or yourself. You met for a reason and be grateful for the lesson learned, the good times had (and hopefully there were some). So that's the crio girl's rant for the day. Oh and how did hair come into last night's topic? I told C. about the website nappturality.com we had a good chuckle, she's going to check it out and since C's a white girl it makes it all the more amusing.
Peace and love
Peace and love
Friday, January 26, 2007
The Pursuit of Happyness to the Secret
I am on an oscar tour this year and I will try to watch as many of the oscar nominated films before the awards, just because. I've got Blood Diamond, Notes on A Scandal and I can now add The Pursuit of Happyness. I just saw the latter yesterday. I walked into that film just knowing I was going to get uplifted because I knew it has a happy ending..... hmmph!! OK it does but gosh for an hour and I don't how long that was one emotionally draining movie. To see what that man goes through with his child just breaks your heart and I shed many a good tear. I left the theatre depressed and not wanting to have children. Yes I know he gets the job and is a multi-millionaire but after seeing him lose his wife, sleep in a public toilet, homeless shelter, etc., I needed to see the man walk into his million dollar home, drive his fancy car, have his son in the best of the best schools not just a little blurb at the end. So I started to wonder why the film got to me so much. I think the reason the film got to me so much was because it hit a little too close to home for me. I won't even pretend to be near Mr Darden's previous situation but there were enough moments and scenes that I knew exactly what was going on through his mind, dealing with the late rent, bills, notices piling up, needing to get paid right away and when the boss asks you for that 5 bucks because they have no change but for you that 5 bucks was your meal ouch! So as I ran to catch my bus home I also realised that I didn't like the fact that I could closer associate to that part of Mr. Darden's life as opposed to the multi-million dollar aspect. Today I was supposed to watch the Last King of Scotland. I passed because I don't think I'm emotionally ready yet and opted instead to watch this movie called The Secret and I am so happy I did! In a nutshell it's about how we are all energy and our thoughts are energy and that the universal law in life is the law of attraction. I shall repeat I won't give a full breakdown of the movie because I do believe it is something that everyone should watch and a quickie summary won't do it justice. What I do want to say is it brought me out of my Happyness funk and made me realise that while I keep on wanting, wanting, wanting that is part of my problem. I live in the land of wants and the land of don't. I don't want another bill, I don't want to be late, I don't want to blow this audition and all I keep attracting is what I don't want because that's what I focus on. Yesterday night I missed the point of Happyness because if I hadn't been so immersed in my world of want and don't I would've seen a man who despite what everybody was saying around him believed in himself and dream so much so that despite being homeless, having the IRS on your back, no university degree and a single parent he was selected to a position where there was only one place to be filled and he ended up surpassing that!!! So I have decided tonight and made this promise to myself to pack my mental bags and am leaving the land of want and don't, they may try calling me every now and then and that's ok but I've emigrated and have new citizenship in the land of believe in myself and I dream it, believe it, I achieve it. I will start tonight with gratitude for all the blessings in my life (and there are many) and ask my genie the universe to grant me my wishes. Now for all of you naysayeers who find all of this just mumbo jumbo positive nonesense, all I ask you is how is that negativity, fear and self-doubt working for you?
check out the secret by going to www.thesecret.tv or you can buy a copy of the movie at the bodhi tree (for those living in los angeles)
Peace and Love
check out the secret by going to www.thesecret.tv or you can buy a copy of the movie at the bodhi tree (for those living in los angeles)
Peace and Love
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
For the locers out there
This one basically goes out to people who have started locing their hair or who maintain their locs by twisting. I'm in the baby loc stage (one month) but I've had locs before and I've been searching for that holy grail of products which would combine good for your hair ingredients and good for my wallet price. After reading I don't know how many websites and forums (yea to www.nappturality.com!) I just decided to go ahead and make my own. Now for all of you non-nappy locers (basically if you don't have kinky, curly hair) I'm not so sure this will work as well for you but as a consolation it doubles up as a good hand lotion.
2Tbs pure shea butter (mine comes straight from Ghana, thank-you grandma:)
2Tbs coconut oil (got from the Dominican Rep. but I hear they sell it at Wal Mart for cheap, in the cooking section)
2Tbs of grapeseed oil
1tsp lanolin oil (adds a nice sheen)
10 drops of essential fragance oil (check out www.chiflow.net they have good ones)
pure aloe vera gel ( I just put as much as I liked)
I melt the shea butter add the oils (don't use an aluminum pot) then mix in with the aloe vera gel. (you can get one of those plastic dispensers from Sally's or recycle from the old products you're not useing anymore)
My review is so far so good, I'm in control and it works out as the least expensive product.
Oh I better do my disclaimer right now. If something happens that you don't like or any other adverse reaction it's not my fault. I'm not a hairdresser just a girl who likes to tinker around because she's obsessed with hair and thought she should share something she knows works for her.
2Tbs pure shea butter (mine comes straight from Ghana, thank-you grandma:)
2Tbs coconut oil (got from the Dominican Rep. but I hear they sell it at Wal Mart for cheap, in the cooking section)
2Tbs of grapeseed oil
1tsp lanolin oil (adds a nice sheen)
10 drops of essential fragance oil (check out www.chiflow.net they have good ones)
pure aloe vera gel ( I just put as much as I liked)
I melt the shea butter add the oils (don't use an aluminum pot) then mix in with the aloe vera gel. (you can get one of those plastic dispensers from Sally's or recycle from the old products you're not useing anymore)
My review is so far so good, I'm in control and it works out as the least expensive product.
Oh I better do my disclaimer right now. If something happens that you don't like or any other adverse reaction it's not my fault. I'm not a hairdresser just a girl who likes to tinker around because she's obsessed with hair and thought she should share something she knows works for her.
Hello and Welcome
Basically just my two cents from an African chic pursuing my dream in LA and the ups and downs of living in one of the most interesting cities in the world, I can say this as I've been to quite a few in this lifetime and basically having a place to satisfy the exhibisionist in me by publicly posting my rants and raves. So I welcome all to peruse and share in the crio girl's journey.
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