Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Do You Always Have To Be The Bigger Person?

Being the bigger person has been my mantra to friends when they find themselves wanting to serve an ice cold dish of revenge. How ironic that I now find myself struggling with handing out a good dose of revenge and spite for a wrong done to me. I would like to say I sucked it up, turned the other cheek and let it go....wishful thinking. The truth is I have been letting the anger and hurt I feel fester into a huge emotional boil and I acted on it and hurt my intended target. I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good, boy did it feel good! But (and you knew it was coming)I haven't solved a damn thing. I'm still hurt and angry from the past wrong and even worse it's fueling me into wanting to continue hurting the other person but now that would involve hurting innocents, people who have done nothing to me but who just happen to be close to the wrongdoer. I don't want to go there just for a momentary high of oooh I got you back good. So tomorrow I will make the call and inform the person that what they did in the past was uncool and it hurt. And while it's too late for apologies(hell! the person might not even apologize), it allows me to handle the situation as an adult and at least leave the road open for a healthy future relationship. For your health Be the bigger person, while it's not immediatly satisfying or easy, it does lead you on the road to a lighter future. Look at it this way, it's one less piece of emotional baggage you won't be carrying.

Peace and Love,
The Criogirl

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